Consolidate the gender perspective in our organizational culture
Strategic objective 1
Include the gender perspective in all UOC policies and plans across the board
- Design and circulate a checklist for policymakers to use when reshaping the organization's policies to include the gender perspective
- Draft a list of resources that promote gender equality at the University
- Add a specific term to the Code of Ethics on gender-inclusive written and audiovisual language
Train UOC staff as necessary to effectively mainstream the gender perspective
- Put on gender perspective training for non-management staff
- Put on gender perspective training for management staff
Carry out awareness-raising activities to effectively mainstream the gender perspective
- Develop an internal awareness-raising strategy to promote and foster gender equality at the University
- Develop a strategy to increase the Equality Unit's visibility
- Develop a gender equality training plan that can be accessed by all workers in accordance with the current legislation.
Ensure that the matter of gender equality is properly handled at the University by those in charge of the Equality Unit
- Approve and communicate the Equality Unit's by-laws
- Raise the number of members who comprise the Equality Unit
- Coordinate the Equality Plan 2020-2025
- Draft an annual report on the actions carried out by the Equality Unit
- Curate an Equality Unit collection in the UOC Library
Build the gender perspective into the UOC's analysis of and response to the COVID-19 crisis
- Take part in the vehicles set up to handle the state of emergency at the University
- Include the gender perspective in all communications related to the COVID-19 crisis
- Assess the differential impact of the crisis in terms of gender and drive measures to overcome the effects of COVID-19
Participate in inter-university networks to promote gender mainstreaming in higher education
- Participate at meetings, conferences and actions of the RUIGEU network
- Take part in the meetings, conferences and actions on equality organized by the Vives Network
- Take part in the meetings, conferences and actions organized by the Women and Science Committee (CIC)
- Take part in the meetings, conferences and actions organized by the Universities for Diversity Network (RUD)
- Participate in other international inter-university coordination spaces
- Participate in inter-university coordination spaces to promote measures aimed at facilitating the academic and research career of people with care responsibilities
Promote the recognition of sexual diversity, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation in all the UOC's relational settings, including both in-person and online environments
Strategic objective 2
Take specific corrective measures to rectify management procedures that fail to recognize or respect diversity on the grounds of sex, gender, or sexual orientation
- Perform a diagnosis to identify needs to guarantee the right to diversity on the grounds of sex, identity or expression of gender and sexual orientation
- Develop a name and gender change protocol for trans and non-binary people at the University
- Develop a data collection protocol for University forms
Take specific corrective measures to rectify in-person and online environments that fail to recognize or respect sexual and gender diversity
- Draft a policy regarding UOC settings that demands respect for sexual and gender diversity
- Make headway in analysing and fleshing out the conditions required to ensure that our online environments respect sexual and gender diversity
Settle on a people management policy that respects the gender perspective
Strategic objective 3
Promote work-life balance within the UOC's labour policies
- Draft an assessment report on the suitability of the work-life balance measures taken by the UOC
- Work with the Network of Gender Equality Units for University Excellence (RUIGEU) to put together various guides to teleworking and responsible work-life balance
- Spread the news of available work-life balance measures to all UOC staff
Ensure equal treatment and opportunities are given to everyone taking part in recruitment and promotion processes at the UOC
- Review the selection and recruitment processes to incorporate a gender perspective into them
- Draft and deploy policies that reduce horizontal segregation between academic and administrative staff
- Develop and implement policies to reduce vertical segregation
- Define guidelines on equal merits and, where possible, the recruitment of staff from the under-represented sex for each professional category, for each type of contract and for each job
- Review the University's promotion process from the perspective of gender equality
- Collect data broken down by sex on the applicants and people selected in each University promotion process
Ensure equal treatment and non-discrimination among men and women with regard to pay, in compliance with the most recent legislation on equality in companies
- Produce a salary register in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 902/2020
- Carry out a salary audit in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 902/2020
- Develop an action plan to correct situations of pay inequality that have been identified
- Monitor the impact of the actions described in the plan on the annual results of the salary register
Guarantee the gender perspective in Occupational Health and Safety
- Take into account the specific characteristics of women, men and people included in other categories in the assessment of occupational hazards
- Expand awareness-raising and training actions on Occupational Health and Safety, taking into account the specific characteristics of women, men and people included in other categories
- Incorporate the specific characteristics of women, men and people included in other categories into ergonomics protocols
Ensure gender equality in the induction processes
- Review the induction website to ensure that it is gender inclusive
- Review the induction packet to ensure that it contains the list of resources contributing to gender equality at the University
Examine cases of violence arising from discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity or sexual orientation
Strategic objective 4
Arm the UOC with a regulatory framework that comprehensively covers violence arising from discrimination on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation
- Approve a regulation stipulating non-discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation at the UOC
- Develop a protocol for preventing, detecting, acting upon and resolving cases of sexual harassment on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation at the UOC
- Consider the option of setting up a sexual assault information point in the UOC's leisure areas where people can receive guidance and support
Make the UOC community aware of the protocols available for investigating cases of violence arising from discrimination on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation
- Train management staff in the mechanisms and procedures involved in the protocol
- Launch outreach initiatives to raise awareness of the protocol and facilitate access to the care routes it sets out
- Disseminate the Government of Catalonia's tutorials on the "duty to intervene" when in witness of LGBTIphobia-based discrimination
- Set up a specific channel where cases of discrimination can be reported and where gender inequalities can be addressed