Gender inequalities are a structural problem to which the university is not indifferent. As in other spaces for socialization, behaviours and situations that constitute violence have also been normalized at universities.
As an agent in society generating knowledge, universities can play a key role in eradicating gender violence, transforming the system and the social relationships on which it is based.
The UOC is committed to making its university a space that is free of violence against women and LGBTI people.
Protocol against sexual harassment

How do we do it?
- Normativa contra l'assetjament sexual i la discriminació per raó de sexe, orientació sexual i expressió o identitat de gènere.
- Protocol per a la prevenció, la detecció, l'actuació i la resolució de situacions d'assetjament sexual i assetjament per raó de sexe, d'orientació sexual i d'identitat i/o expressió de gènere de la UOC.
- Dealing with gender violence outside the university environment As a member of the university community, it is possible that at some point someone will tell you that they are experiencing gender violence outside the university environment, which means the situation cannot be dealt with via the UOC's Protocol for the prevention, detection, handling and resolution of cases of sexual harassment and harassment on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity and/or expression.